Anna Osborn

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We're all just learning.

We’re all continually learning…

Which is probably why one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks a question or admits they don’t know or haven’t heard of something and they’re met with… ‘WHAT?!? You don’t know what that is?!?’ or ‘WHAT?!?! You’ve never heard of that?!?’

It drives me absolutely bonkers. I mean, in what stretch of the imagination is that helpful? When someone is brave enough to admit that they don’t know something and they’re faced with ridicule! I know I’m less likely to speak up if I’m laughed at or mocked for acknowledging what I just don’t know.

We have to be gentle with each other when we’re learning. And because we’re ALWAYS learning, we really just need to be gentle with each other.

The most perfect environment to learn is:

One that is free of judgments.
One that is free of ridicule.
One that is safe to ask questions.
One that is safe to admit you don’t know.
One that encourages you to risk and fail.
One that encourages you to try again anyway.

Be gentle with each other while you’re learning.

Gentleness with yourself as you’re learning.

Gentleness with your partner as they’re learning. 

And gentleness for your relationship as it’s growing and evolving.

I’m cheering us all on!  


P.S. If the ‘learning environment’ at home feels pretty critical or tense, reach out. Working with a couples therapist might be the exact right thing to help the two of you create an environment where you can learn and thrive… together.