Anna Osborn

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Don't should... do.

I love a good underdog. I’m going to root for them every time, because who doesn’t like a come from behind, nothing to lose but everything to gain sort of story?

Which is why my son has me so inspired this summer.  He’s started a new sport and is literally working to learn it all on the fly.  He’s taken on a bigger challenge than I think I would be comfortable with, but I guess that’s why he’s doing it and not me

Now my son has always been a hard worker and plays too many sports to count, but adding a brand new one at 12 when most of the other kids have been playing for years is quite the challenge. But it’s his mindset around it that feels most inspiring to me.

He’s focused on the doing. He’s writing down different ways to get better and then putting in the daily work of actually doing it.  Yes, his progress is small right now, but it’s sure as heck incremental. There have been goals he talked about in the past, but they were phrased much more as should’s and not so much as do’s. Which is why it’s so cool to see him make the mental shift.

I know that seeing him work so hard at the doing has inspired me to do a lot more of it too. Not sitting and thinking about the things I should be doing, but actually doing them.  And I have to say, it’s making me pretty proud of myself too.

So whether it’s health, work, or love (and everything in between), I encourage you to be in the doing.

Make sure you’re not just talking about the should’s and instead embracing the do’s. It’s amazing what takes form when you put all of those big thoughts into big action.

I’m cheering for you!


P.S. If you’re struggling with consistency or follow-through, please reach out. There is nothing more frustrating in a relationship than talking about what you want to have happen and to have it all be just words. I’m here to help you move those should's into do’s!