Anna Osborn

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Be slow to criticize and fast to compliment.

One of my favorite jobs during my college years was working as a barista at my college campus student union. You are LITERALLY everyone’s favorite person when you hand them that first cup of coffee in the morning or their afternoon “pick me up”.

It was also one of those jobs where you either made people happy with their order or you disappointed them with unmet expectations.  Sadly, it was often the “disappointed” customers that were a bit more “vocal” about their experience. 

And, I see this same habit show up in love. Where we are REALLY fast to criticize and completely slow to (if ever) compliment our mate.  You tend to notice what’s not being done or what should be done instead of finding continual opportunities to encourage your partner.

It’s pretty much a universal truth that we light up when someone notices us. Especially when they notice us enough to give a compliment or a positive acknowledgement. Which means if you light up when you’re noticed by your mate, then you need to be just as quick to give those positive words to that person you’re doing life with.

Which leads me to this week’s relationship tip….

Be slow to criticize and fast to compliment.

Apply this one in your relationship today and I KNOW it will really start to turn the tides towards greater connection between the two of you.

Save this meme as your reminder to stop being the grumpy complaining customer and instead the biggest rave reviewer of your mate!

Until next week,