Anna Osborn

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Keeping Score In Love Will Make You Lose Every Time!

For those of you that know me, I’m a huge sports fan. I love to watch, play and cheer for all things athletic and I believe there are soooo many analogies between love and what happens on the field/court.

And yet one of the biggest traps you can fall into is applying too much of a sports mindset in love.

Take the relationship tip for this week as an example….

Tip #3: Keeping score in love will make you lose every time.

There are so many ways that you can unintentionally (and intentionally for that matter) keep score in love. Who’s trying harder….who’s working harder….who’s more consistent, etc, etc. And yet all those comparisons are usually murked up with your vantage point. 

When you slow down and really look at your relationship from all angles, you might be surprised to find that the score is even, you’re both busting your humps and you both may be better off if you combined your efforts.

It’s worth a try, right?

Save this meme to your phone as wallpaper and use it to remind yourself to stop keeping score and start working together.  I know you can cover more distance together.

Until next week….
