Let It Go.
Not every conversation is an invitation to an argument. Not every disagreement needs to lead to disconnection. And sometimes the little things can just remain little.
At least this is the advice I try to follow. Because the more I make little annoyances into a “thing”, the less bandwidth I have to work my way through the bigger stuff.
And the more I hold onto every perceived slight or assumed slant, the more negativity I feel.
But the more I work to release what isn’t mine, pay attention to what is, and let the little things go, the more I’m open to all the great and amazing that love has to offer.
I know that we can’t always let the little stuff go, or that sometimes big stuff is wrapped in little packages so it can be a touch deceiving, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be working your tush off to take a beat, release, and repeat.
Remember, little things pile up… just like clutter… and the more of them that you have sitting around your relationship, the harder it is to focus on the things that matter (or the things that actually need to be addressed).
So, don’t forget, you can choose your words, you can choose your actions and you can certainly choose to…
Let the little things go.
I know you can do it!
P.S. If negative communication patterns are getting in the way of the two of you, why not enroll in the Communication Masterclass? It might be just the course you need to move out of old bad habits and into new productive ones!