Anna Osborn

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Schools Out for Summer!

It’s official, the Osborn household is done with elementary school. The blessing and the burden of having twins is that each milestone comes (and goes) with such an overwhelming amount of exponential energy that you sort of have to hold onto something nearby so you don’t get blown away as it rushes by. 

And what I’m choosing to hold onto right now is the amazingness of my kids being absolutely ready for something that I’m not even close to wrapping my head around. 

Because that’s parenting… right? Your kids being ready for the next milestone while you’re still blinking in disbelief that the last one has come and gone. Or them being ready to push boundaries, test limits, and offer their brilliant insight into how the world really works, when you’re still shaking your head trying to loosen the memories of them barely able to put a sentence together as toddlers just a few short years ago.

So in this season of new, different, change, and celebration, I’m holding onto all of it.  The stuff I’m excited about, the stuff I’m overwhelmed by, and the stuff I know I will be ready for eventually.

And I encourage you to look at the season you’re in right now and lean into each other, so you can do the same. To hold onto each other so that whatever intensity life’s handing you… you know that the two of you will get through it together.

Happy Summer and cheers to change that never seems to slow down.

Until next week,


P.S. If you’re struggling with change and uncertainty in your relationship, reach out. I can’t make change slow down, but I can help the two of you learn to insulate each other from the intensity of it.