Make the Time
I made it back from my adventure in Glacier and wow, was it ever an adventure. We had an absolutely amazing time and despite all of the gorgeous views and challenging terrain, the most inspiring part about it was the time spent together.
I can’t for the life of me remember a time when I got to spend a whole week with my sisters and Dad, completely uninterrupted. Between work, kids, sports schedules, and volunteer obligations; my ability to spend hours of uninterrupted time with my extended family is pretty rare. Of course, we try our best to see each other as often as possible, but sadly that can look like big gaps of time in-between visits.
So to have a week with no interruptions and endless time together was something I’m beyond grateful for. Plus, I’m sure my mom enjoyed a quiet house for a week without my dad around. They’ve been married for 49 years, so I’m just guessing here ;)
The biggest gift of the week was being able to have conversations that didn’t get interrupted by wild kids, dinner timers, or work deadlines. And I’m fully committed to carving out more of it.
Sure, it may not look like a week on end, but if I look at my screen time usage on my iPhone, I can easily see that I have some time that can be spent more wisely. And I want to do that through uninterrupted conversations with those that matter the most.
And I so encourage you to…
Find a way to enjoy uninterrupted time together.
Let’s hold each other more accountable in putting down the screen and really reaching for each other. Whether that looks like setting regular reminders to slow down together or dedicating a night for the two of you to turn off the tv and enjoy each other’s company, it’s all worth it.
The relationship(s) you value the most deserve your time and attention and I so hope you’re able to find that together.
P.S. If the idea of uninterrupted time together feels overwhelming, maybe your communication needs a tune-up. Follow this link for the Communication Masterclass and dive into repairing, rebuilding, and improving your communication… together.