Anna Osborn

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Reverse Uno Card in Communication

I love card games. I love sitting around the table with my friends and family, laughing together, or simply talking as we work our way through a great game of cards.

I’m a big fan of Skipbo and was just recently introduced to Five Crowns… but an oldie that I’ll always play is Uno. It’s a great one because any age can play and it’s not so serious that you can’t talk and catch up throughout the game.

And it’s not super cutthroat or competitive… until that darn Uno reverse card shows up. Just when you think you’ve made your move the person next to you throws down a reverse card, your opponent changes and things begin to get real.

And as much as the reverse card is annoying in the game of Uno… it’s even more annoying in conversations with your partner.

When you’re trying to open up about something important and your mate steals the mic.
When you’re sharing about your feelings being hurt and your partner deflects and throws it back on you.
When you’re talking about a tough experience and your mate flips the script and starts talking AT you about their experience.

Reverse uno cards DO NOT work in communication.

Instead, the two of you need to work to slow down communication enough to ensure the ‘bringer upper’ is heard before the other partner steps in to share too.

Take the time to communicate equally in love and when in doubt…

Don’t use the reverse uno card in communication.

I’m cheering for the two of you!

Until next week,


P.S. If your communication has become a big ol’ mess, then now is the time to enroll in the Communication Masterclass. Invest in yourself (and your relationship) by taking the time to learn a better way to communicate… together.