Anna Osborn

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Address it sooner

We just got our car back from the mechanic to repair a ridiculous issue that had gone on far too long.

What you ask? 

Well, the gas gauge would intermittently stop working and not let me know when I was nearly out of gas. It would remain at a half or quarter tank and I would forget that it had the issue and low and behold, I would run out of gas at very inopportune times. Like picking up my daughter from soccer practice or racing to their school for the event I was hosting for 200 students in a matter of minutes. 

And because the issue would seemingly resolve, I would forget about it, months would go by and then it would happen all over again

I always had an excuse for why it was probably “fixed” now or why I would definitely take it in next time to get looked at… and I never did. Until I was out of town for 2 weeks and my very sweet husband finally got his hands on my keys and took it to get it fixed once and for all.

So here I am driving a car with a gas gauge I can rely on… and it’s bliss.

And it all made me realize I need to get better at addressing yellow flags in my life.

Things that are not the hugest deal in the world, but I avoid them or let them sit for far too long, making them much bigger than they need to be.

I mean, why wait for it to get bigger??

Whether it is an ongoing issue in your relationship, some health concerns, or a tough conversation that needs to take place…address the yellow flags.

Make a list. 
Check them off. 
And experience the peace that comes from knowing you’re addressing issues in real-time.

I know it sure as heck has inspired me.

Wishing us all the best of luck,


P.S. Are the yellow flags in love turning a bit red on you? Let’s address them together. It’s far easier to manage conflict or issues that are smaller and more recent than letting them fester and grow. Reach out… that’s what I’m here for.