Are You Crying "Wolf" In Your Relationships?
Hey there…quick question for you…do you have anyone in your life that seems to really struggle with being happy about anything? They sort of walk around with a perspective that EVERYTHING is a huge deal and that every detail about everything matters all of the time? The person that is always ready for a debate/confrontation/excuse to prove themselves right?
I assume we all know a person like that….and if we’re being honest, we’ve have probably been that person a time or two.
Well the truth is, when you’re showing up really argumentative in your relationship or expressing to your partner that everything needs to be a certain way (aka hypercritical mode), your voice tends to get lost in the shear enormity of what you’re expressing.
I get that some things are really really important and I’m completely with you on that. I also believe that you can NOT die on every hill in your relationship.
If everything matters all of the time, it is highly likely that your overall needs are going to ignored. It’s sort of like the “boy that cried wolf”. If you choose to die on every hill your partner will struggle to know what REALLY matters and what is just a preference.
I encourage you to take this week’s relationship tip to heart and….
If you find that you’re stating your needs over and over again and partner just isn’t “getting it” then I encourage you to step back and evaluate if perhaps you’re attempting to die on too many hills and your needs are getting missed.
This is a tough tip and yet an essential one for you to sit with and observe a bit. Save this meme so you can slow down long enough to observe if and how this may be showing up in your relationship.
Reach out if you have questions or if I can support in anyway, I’m happy to help.
Take care of yourself and each other.
- A