Actions Are Just As Important As Words!


When was the last time you sat back and realized that what you say is just as important as what you do

What you say with your actions has as much power as what you say with your words.  In fact, one of the easiest ways to invalidate your words is to back them up with an opposite action.

When you’re really good at saying “I love you,” and not so great at being kind, you HAVE to make an adjustment. In order for your words to be loving, your actions HAVE to follow.

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challenge you this week to look more closely at the way you’re showing up in your relationship, and being really clear that those actions are aligned with the words you’re using.

I want your messages of gratitude and appreciation to speak loud and clear in your relationship, and the best way to do that is to back up those words with a whole lotta’ kindness.

You got this,


Anna Osborn