Be Flexible In Love


If there’s anything I’ve learned the last 2 years, it’s that there’s little (aka nothing) I can actually control.

Well, I guess I can control my attitude and maybe even the effort I put in... but besides that... the rest of it... all of it... completely out of my control.

And sorry if this is news to you because I know we all like to think we’re in control... but... well... sorry.  

And that is where my new friend Flexibility comes in.

And flexibility is key, not just in managing life’s shenanigans, but also in love.

Because, the more rigid you are in your perspective, the more you hold tight trying to be right or win, the more you stand with your feet locked in place, the harder it is to find common ground... together.

In your relationship, being flexible DOESN’T mean you ignore your feelings or stop sharing your thoughts.  BEING flexible means that you’re able to move out of your stance and see it from your mate’s perspective.  

Flexibility really is one of love’s most essential tools.


Because, flexibility allows you to see it differently.

Flexibility helps you honor how you think and feel while ALSO being curious about your mate’s thoughts and feelings.  

Flexibility gives you the tools to walk back from the edge you’ve found yourself on and towards each other for repair and reassurance.

Believe me, flexibility really is key.

Take some time this week to see the stance you’re taking in love and ask yourself if some flexibility may help.

I’m here, cheering you on!




P.S. If letting go of control and embracing flexibility in love sounds downright horrible… reach out. Maybe some relationship healing work can help you move towards each other.

Anna Osborn