Home at last.


Oh my goodness, I’m home! After almost 3 weeks away, I’m back with my family and slooowwwly getting back to my routine.  

I do have to say it’s a little weird being home because I feel like I missed out on a lot. The kids look bigger. The house feels a little different. My husband looks a bit more exhausted after managing IT ALL for weeks on end. I feel a little out of the routine of things. I’m noticing little jokes that I missed out on.  Little moments that happened without me.

But I’m also super aware of all that I gained. Getting to travel with my Dad was an experience that really felt one of a kind.  It’s been over 25 years since I moved out of my parents’ house and, although we are close in terms of staying active in each other’s lives, being with my Dad for such a long period of time offered me so much.  Beyond just the time we shared and the memories we formed together, I also gained such a new perspective (and appreciation) of him as a person. Traveling to another country that he holds so dear to his heart and one that really shaped him in so many ways, helped me get to know him more too. It wasn’t just the new experiences we shared, it was also allowing him to walk me down memory lane to hear all the memories he has from his time living in South Africa as a high school student and the many trips he’s taken back over the years.

I guess this is all to say that just because I missed out on a lot while I was away, I also gained a lot. And for that I’m grateful.

Because what I gained was a whole lot of living!

I think that when it comes to life and relationships it’s important to acknowledge what has changed or what you’ve missed out on, but it’s also really important to celebrate what you gained. The perspective that new experiences can offer you. The awareness that being somewhere new helps you to uncover.

My encouragement to the two of you, as you move through life together, is to help to notice what you’re gaining.



Let each adventure help you to know each other more deeply and celebrate along the way.

Until next week,


P.S. If change feels hard or you’re struggling with noticing things you’ve missed out on because of hurt in your relationship, reach out. I’m here to help the two of you not only heal what still hurts but also to notice what you’re gaining in its place.


Anna Osborn