Inner peace is contagious.


It’s the first week of middle school in our household which means that nerves are on overdrive. We’re in the midst of what feels like a million firsts over here and as much as new and different can be exciting, it’s also completely overwhelming and actually quite A LOT.

Which means that I’m working on my inner peace. I have two tweens swirling around me with lots of questions and lots of unknowns and the best that I can do right now is to just take a breath and calm myself the heck down.  

I know that the more I join the chaos of their overwhelm, the more we’re all in the vortex together, and that does no good for anyone.

Instead, I’m living by the mantra… inner peace is contagious.


I’m working to put down my phone AND my to-do list and just be still. I’m putting less emphasis on how I’d like it all to look and letting it just be as it is.

And I think it’s working. Sure we’re still gonna talk about big feelings and big experiences, but it doesn’t all need to be in the most dramatic of fashions. We can just take it one day at a time. We can leave the ‘what ifs’ for another day and work to ground ourselves even though it feels like so much is changing.

I have to say, I’m sort of liking it. I like the way inner peace feels. I like how much more connected it has me to my kids and husband. And I certainly enjoy being a bit more of an observer of the franticness rather than thinking I need to enter the fold with them.

Remember, your ability to ground and breathe has a profound impact on those around you. When your family or mate is in the midst of chaos, you don’t need to show your love by entering the fray with them. You can work to ground yourself and let your own inner peace be contagious.

I’m cheering us all on!


P.S. Needing more peace in your partnership?  Let’s start working together and see what change we can create.


Anna Osborn