It's all in how you say it.


I ran across a meme the other day on that had 10 different sayings that are nearly impossible to say without sounding rude. And because I am the way that I am, my daughter and I spent the next 15 minutes repeating the statements to each other trying to make them sound kind and encouraging and not so much snarky and condescending. And let me tell you, it was harder than you think.

We were eventually able to help most of the sentences not sound so terrible. Now we, of course, had fun making them all sound downright mean too.  

But the point is, when you slow down and infuse kindness into what you’re saying, it really does change the tone.  

Not everything you say to each other is going to be easy. You’re going to have tough conversations and discuss hard feelings. But you can still say it with some kindness.  

The more grounded you are, the more likely you will be able to say it with a little more compassion and a little less snark.  Remember, when it comes to communication, it really is about how you say it.



Until next week,


P.S. Just in case you want to try it, here’s the list of 10 things to try and say without sounding sarcastic:

  1. That’s great.

  2. Good for you.

  3. Have fun.

  4. Fascinating.

  5. Thanks for that.

  6. Well done you.

  7. Good luck with that.

  8. Sounds thrilling.

  9. What a shame.

  10. WOW.

Anna Osborn